sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

My ideal job :)

Hello, i going to talk about my ideal job, this is a very complicated topic for me, because i don't have anything clear in my head yet. I want to do so maaaaany things in my life with animals that i really don't know where begin!, for the same i don't have an ideal job yet, because i think that i have to experiment first and then begin to think what is the job that make me feel more full and happy. The ideas that i have plan to work are very differents because i really love many areas, but in all of them is very difficult to obtain a job. The only thing that i 'm sure is that i like "fauna silvestre" and i really don't want to work in a clinic. I like open air, field trips, investigations and travel. I like animals like tigers, lions, giraffes and gorillas all the animals that's are not common.

Well, the jobs that i consider ideals today are, working in rehabilitation centers, in a important investigation in another country, (because i want to work in other country like Costa Rica or África) ... well that are the jobs that come into mi mind now but i like to do many other things.

The website that i most visited.

Well is very hard to decide which is the website that i most visited because i visit hotmail, ucursos, google, facebook and youtube when i am in the computer. Facebook is like a vice for me i always visited it and many times in one day!, but now i really stop to do it, because i waste a lot of time doing ANYTHING!. On the other, i visit too youtube. I loooove youtube if i couldn't use it my life would be very boring. In the computer of my house we can't download music so i have to use youtube for listen the music that i like and i do it ALWAYS when i am using the computer for chat with my friends or when i have to do something for the university.
However, youtube is more to see funny videos or i don't know for other things but i also use it for listen some music that i like.

I don't remember when i discovered it, but i think that i always know that is there and i never visit youtube, but know is like a necessity visit it everyday all the time.