jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

My mobile phone (L)

My favorite piece of technology is my mobile phone. I dont remember especifically when i got it, but a thing that i always rememberd, is that i hate it when i changed it with my old mobile phone. My old mobile phone it was really old, it didnt have camera, radio, bluethoot or something like that, but i love it!. I got it for five years i think, it was my first mobile phone, i think that for that i loved it so much. Now mi new mobile phone it dosent a last model or something like that and it dosent be so technological, the only thing that changes is that has camera and radio, but i dont really care because i not very technological person and i only use it for send messages and call my friends.

My mobile phone has radio, not even mp3 or the other things but i am happy because now i can listening to music in the transport and if i walk for any where. I think that without music i am really sad because i love it and sometimes makes me more shortly the trip.

Nevertheless, there is one thing that i really dont like, of the mobile phone and the techonoly in general, that is that now we are so dependent of technology, i cant go out without my mobile phone i feel extrange!, i hate that but well i cant do anything fot change it, because my friends and family are dependent of technology too and if i go out without my mobile phone my parents dont have a way for follow me or i dont know if they have to say me something very important or urgent.

Finally, i can say that mi mobile phone is very essencial for my, that i very happy with my mobile phone and i dont needother more techonologic but if my parents want to give me one, it dont be so bad :D.


1 comentario:

  1. My favorite piece of technology is my mobile phone. I dont remember especifically when i got it, but a thing that i always rememberd, is that i hate it when i changed it with my old mobile phone. My old mobile phone it was really old, it didnt have camera, radio, SP bluethoot or something like that, but i love it!. I got it for five years i think, it was my first mobile phone, i think that for that i loved it so much. Now SP mi new mobile phone it dosent a last model or something like that and it SP dosent be so technological, the only thing that changes is that has camera and radio, but i dont really care because i not very technological person and i only use it for send messages and call my friends.

    My mobile phone has radio, not even mp3 or the other things but i am happy because now i can WF listening to music in the transport and if i walk for any where. I think that without music i am really sad because i love it and sometimes makes me more WF shortly the trip.

    Nevertheless, there is one thing that i really dont like, of the mobile phone and the techonoly in general, that is that now we are so dependent of technology, i cant go out without my mobile phone i feel SP extrange!, i hate that but well i cant do anything fot change it, because my friends and family are dependent of technology too and if i go out without my mobile phone my parents dont have a way for follow me or i dont know if they have to say me something very important or urgent.

    Finally, i can say that mi mobile phone is very essencial for my, that i very happy with my mobile phone and i dont needother more SP techonologic but if my parents want to give me one, it WF dont be so bad :D.

    well I think we don't have much choice now, we have to use technology... When I forget my mobile I feel strange but I certainly can live without it. I agree wit you!


    p.s. you got a 5.5
