sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

My ideal job :)

Hello, i going to talk about my ideal job, this is a very complicated topic for me, because i don't have anything clear in my head yet. I want to do so maaaaany things in my life with animals that i really don't know where begin!, for the same i don't have an ideal job yet, because i think that i have to experiment first and then begin to think what is the job that make me feel more full and happy. The ideas that i have plan to work are very differents because i really love many areas, but in all of them is very difficult to obtain a job. The only thing that i 'm sure is that i like "fauna silvestre" and i really don't want to work in a clinic. I like open air, field trips, investigations and travel. I like animals like tigers, lions, giraffes and gorillas all the animals that's are not common.

Well, the jobs that i consider ideals today are, working in rehabilitation centers, in a important investigation in another country, (because i want to work in other country like Costa Rica or África) ... well that are the jobs that come into mi mind now but i like to do many other things.

The website that i most visited.

Well is very hard to decide which is the website that i most visited because i visit hotmail, ucursos, google, facebook and youtube when i am in the computer. Facebook is like a vice for me i always visited it and many times in one day!, but now i really stop to do it, because i waste a lot of time doing ANYTHING!. On the other, i visit too youtube. I loooove youtube if i couldn't use it my life would be very boring. In the computer of my house we can't download music so i have to use youtube for listen the music that i like and i do it ALWAYS when i am using the computer for chat with my friends or when i have to do something for the university.
However, youtube is more to see funny videos or i don't know for other things but i also use it for listen some music that i like.

I don't remember when i discovered it, but i think that i always know that is there and i never visit youtube, but know is like a necessity visit it everyday all the time.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Let me introduce you, to my class. This picture was taken by the photographer of the school at ends of the past year. At the end the year you always have to take a picture individual and other with all your class. This in particularly it´s more speciall than the other of the other years, because it is the picture of my last year at school and with my new classmates. Yes, my new class. In 2008 my last year at school, i changed of school. I toke that decision for many reasons and i really scared.

I Like this picture because does me remember a lot of things, many feelings, a lot of moments, that always will be with me. Those persons received me with open arms and made me feel like i had been with them for a long time. I like this picture because i can remember all that year because i passed moments very specials with all of them and now many of them are persons indispensable in my life. They left a trace in my life, and now i know that was the most important and the best decision that i toke.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

My mobile phone (L)

My favorite piece of technology is my mobile phone. I dont remember especifically when i got it, but a thing that i always rememberd, is that i hate it when i changed it with my old mobile phone. My old mobile phone it was really old, it didnt have camera, radio, bluethoot or something like that, but i love it!. I got it for five years i think, it was my first mobile phone, i think that for that i loved it so much. Now mi new mobile phone it dosent a last model or something like that and it dosent be so technological, the only thing that changes is that has camera and radio, but i dont really care because i not very technological person and i only use it for send messages and call my friends.

My mobile phone has radio, not even mp3 or the other things but i am happy because now i can listening to music in the transport and if i walk for any where. I think that without music i am really sad because i love it and sometimes makes me more shortly the trip.

Nevertheless, there is one thing that i really dont like, of the mobile phone and the techonoly in general, that is that now we are so dependent of technology, i cant go out without my mobile phone i feel extrange!, i hate that but well i cant do anything fot change it, because my friends and family are dependent of technology too and if i go out without my mobile phone my parents dont have a way for follow me or i dont know if they have to say me something very important or urgent.

Finally, i can say that mi mobile phone is very essencial for my, that i very happy with my mobile phone and i dont needother more techonologic but if my parents want to give me one, it dont be so bad :D.
